Exercise Intelligence For Employers

EXI helps millions accelerate the achievement of their most challenging health goals. 

More people. More active. More impact.

At EXI, we offer your employee and their family members inspiration and guidance that helps them increase their levels of physical activity.

With evidence-based methodologies, personalization and rewards, EXI safely engages people, including those most sedentary, and guides them to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

By increasing the physical activity levels of members, EXI helps employers drive down healthcare risks and costs, especially those associated with chronic conditions.

Intelligent Behavior Change

When we design to engage and support people who are sedentary, we help the people who have the greatest opportunity to realise health improvements while ensuring safety, personalization and a positive experience to sustain engagement.

>603% increase in physical activity minutes among people who are the least active when starting the EXI program. People sustain engagement and health improvements at 12 months.

Wearable-verified. Physical activity first. Digital enabled engagement and support. Accessed anywhere, anytime, 24/7. Evidence based. Clinically validated. Medically regulated. Personalized safety. Personalized health improvements. Seamless data sharing. Cost saving.

What We Offer




At EXI, we believe in a ‘wearable-verified, physical activity-first’ approach to help millions increase their physical activity levels sustainably.

Our platform include support for flexible incentives and behavioral change interventions that keep members motivated and moving.

We leverage insights from wearables to share the impact of their efforts with members and the proof points that expected medical claim savings are being realized with employers.

Complementary to medications

When on an any medication, especially an anti-obesity medication, increasing physical activity is a must!

For employees and their family members on medications, adding a personal physical activity program helps to:
1. Increase medication effectiveness by increasing circulation
2. Minimise the impact on lean muscle mass loss by incorporating interactive strength training with real-time feedback for safe activities at-home
3. Limit post medication weight re-gain

With EXI, you can be sure that each member is doing all that is necessary to ensure the most effective use of medications.

Employer sponsored – Achievement-based fee structure that aligns goals with needs!

For employers, a more active health plan member means lower healthcare costs. We know that paying for programs that deliver low engagement and inconsistent utilization is frustrating and wasteful.

EXI eliminates this problem by offering a fee structure that ensures that we earn our fee, if and only, your people use the program productively.

In addition, we will agree to cap our fees on an annual basis for predictability and to further-limit risk.

Multiple ways employees can access

Employers have the option to sponsor or to encourage employees to leverage existing benefits when available i.e. fitness reimbursement, lifestyle reimbursement, wellness contributions, health savings account (HSA) and flexible spending account (FSA).

This is a new way of leveraging existing benefits and we want to help partner with employers and employees. We’re asking and answering questions so you don’t have to.

Why is EXI different to other fitness benefits?

EXI is designed to implement the global medical exercise guidelines by personalizing a cardio and strength program for each person to treat their long-term health conditions.

As a medical software, EXI qualifies under the IRS guidelines for FSA and HSA eligible expenses for employees who are diagnosed with at least one of these health conditions: Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, Depression, Asthma, Anxiety, COPD, Dementia, Chronic pain, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Metabolic syndrome, Multiple sclerosis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, Peripheral arterial disease, Stress, Stroke.

What are HSA and FSAs?

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged financial account set up exclusively for health-related expenses. It is not health insurance, but rather a complementary savings accounts that lets you put money away for medical fees while also reducing your taxable income.

To qualify, you must be enrolled in a high deductible health plan (HDHP) and have no other disqualifying health insurance coverage. Because these types of health insurance plans have cheaper premiums but higher out-of pocket expenses, HSAs can help reduce your costs and round out your coverage.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are employer-sponsored benefit plans that let you set aside pre-tax money from your pay check to cover healthcare and dependent care expenses. Unlike HSAs, the funds generally do not roll over year to year or job to job. Generally funds go back to the employer if they are unspent. However, if your plan allows for a rollover, the IRS allows for a specified amount of unused funds to be carried forward each year, which is annually for inflation. For example, up to $640 of your 2024 funds can be carried into 2025.

Why does EXI qualify for HSA / FSA?

The IRS sets the guidelines for what products and services are qualified medical expenses that can be paid or reimbursed by an HSA and FSA.

The IRS stipulates that if a fitness/exercise/gym program is purchased for “…the sole purpose of treating a specific disease diagnosis by a physician (such as obesity, hypertension, or heart disease),” it can be considered a medical expense and therefore can be purchased with HSA or FSA funds.

EXI’s personalized programs go one step further. Each program begins with a diagnosis of a condition and then builds personalized exercise programs designed to treat the condition. EXI has published evidence of the impact of our programs on a range of conditions including obesity and hypertension.

In order to demonstration that the purchase meets the IRS criteria, employees must have a Letter of Medical Necessity from a doctor that at a minimum identifies the condition they have and why exercise is a recommended form of treatment.

How does it work for employees?

An employee diagnosed with hypertension, decides to incorporate exercise into their lifestyle to assist in treating a condition.

They discover EXI and would like to pay for the program with FSA/HSA funds. The employee clicks on the EXI homepage ‘Apply now’ to start the payment flow, provided by Flex. The employee is connected with a healthcare provider for a consultation during which their diagnosis is confirmed and their identify verified. The employee received a Letter of Medical Necessity and is able to pay for EXI with their FSA/HSA funds.

Flex will communicate to EXI the email address and name of employees who are eligible and have a Letter of Medical Necessity to start the EXI program. No medical information is shared. EXI will invite the employee to download the app, create their personal program based on their condition(s) and start being active with their own personalized program based on medical guidelines.

What happens if an employee is not eligible under IRS guidelines?

An employee will not receive a Letter of Medical Necessity if the healthcare provider deems they are not eligible under IRS guidelines.

Therefore the employee can choose to download the EXI app, pay with their personal debit/credit card, continue to create their personal program based on their health status and start being active with their own personalized program based on medical guidelines.

Get in touch.

Please provide your company details and a member of the EXI team will be in touch.

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